CLICK Frequently Asked Questions
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Can DirectSOFT or DNLoader be used with the Click PLCs?
No, DirectSoft and DNLoader are specifically for the DirectLogic line of PLCs.
The Click Programming Software is specifically for the Click PLCs.
The Click software contains a program loader. For more details, see Help Topic CL146 in the Click Software Help.
FAQ ID: 1105
What are the capabilities of the CLICK PLC?
The Click is a small, economically priced PLC, for applications that can have up to 142 I/O (maximum of 8 modules) points. For more information, see Click PLCs
FAQ ID: 1106
Does CLICK PLC support any expansion such as local expansion or remote I/O?
No. CLICK PLC is limited to 8 I/O modules for each CPU.
FAQ ID: 1107
Is there any way to add additional communications ports to a CLICK PLC?
There is not a way to add addition communications ports to the Click PLC.
All Clicks (except the C2-02CPU which has wireless only) have an RS232 port and depending on the model of Click, it can also have an additional RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi port available on the CPU.
FAQ ID: 1108
What is the SCCR rating for the CLICK PLCs?
Our PLCs are not power circuit components. The SCCR is not required for them. Please refer to UL508 177.1 and UL508A SB4.1 for details.
UL508 177.1 defines what the PLC is and UL508A SB4.1 covers the standard for the SCCR.
FAQ ID: 1198
Do you have wiring digrams for use with the SureStep Drives?
Yes, in the SureStep drive FAQs
FAQ ID: 1249
Can the sinking type 4 - 20mA analog output of the Click PLC be used to provide a speed reference signal for the GS series drives?
Yes, that is shown here;
FAQ 1312
FAQ ID: 1313
What is the accuracy of the Click's Real Time Clock?
+/-100 seconds per month.
FAQ ID: 1319
Why does the Click CPU keep asking for a firmware update, or says it has no firmware, but I update the fw and it doesn't accept the update?
Check your DC voltage to the Click CPU. This problem occurs when the voltage is below the nominal 24 VDC that the CPU requires.
FAQ ID: 1390
In Software Version 1.40, I do not see an option to "display Modbus address" in the address picker. How can I fix that ?
You may see this if the address picker is invoked from I/O or Address selection.
To see the Modbus addresses, select the address picker from the pull down menu; Program->Address Picker
FAQ ID: 1513
Is it possible to connect out of the RS485 Port 3 on Click to one of the Advanced stepper drives ( 4850 or 80100)?
While it is possible, the cost and wiring issues make a 2nd Click a much easier solution.
Click Port 3:
+ to TX+ on ISOCON Term block D
- to TX- on ISOCON Term block D
GND to GND Term block D
1/2 Duplex dipswitches both on on bottom bank of ISOCON.
5V and 0V Bias dipswitches on as well.
Must power cycle ISOCON after dipswitches are changed.
ISOCON Port A Pin 4 (TX) to Pin 5 on 4850 drive (RX)
ISOCON Port A Pin 3 (RX) to Pin 3 on 4850 drive (TX)
ISOCON Port A Pin 1 to Pin 2 on 4850 drive (GND on both)NOTE: Do NOT use Pin 6 on ISOCON Port A. It is not the same potential as Pin 1, though the ISOCON manual shows them as being the same.
FAQ ID: 1592
If I don't have a battery in the Click, will I lose the program?
All CLICK PLC units have a non-volatile FLASH ROM to store the downloaded ladder program and project file. The FLASH ROM will retain the ladder program indefinitely. You do not have to have a battery.
However, the Click data registers are stored in the SRAM (volatile) memory, that is backed up by a super capacitor. The super capacitor will hold the memory contents for a short period of time, like a power cycle.
Super Capacitor Data Hold Time
FAQ ID: 1641