C-more Frequently Asked Questions
Use "Ctrl-F" to search for specific words in this FAQ.
General C-More email information; use with a GMail/Yahoo servers (SSL or TLS encryption) etc..
The EA7 series C-More panels CANNOT send e-mail through a GMail, Yahoo etc. server.
The EA9 series C-More panels CAN send mail through an SSL encrypted servers
The EA7 series can send e-mail through another server to them.
Many E-Mail servers use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and other security features that the EA7 series C-More does not support.
There are e-mail forwarding/server programs that can run on a PC on the same local area network as the C-More.
There are also e-mail relay services that are accessable over the internet that may help.
Please see application note AN-EA-013 for more details
FAQ ID: 1062
Can I use C-More with WinPLC for String data?
Yes, but only with strings tags no higher than S-192.
C-More uses Modbus for connection to the WinPLC and the highest String that has a modbus address equivalent is S-192.
FAQ ID: 1063
Can this be used with a WinPLC
See the FAQs for the WinPLC
Can the WinPLC be used with an operator interface?
FAQ ID: 1065
Can I send data from a C-More panel to a PC Server using FTP to an FTP Server?
Yes. you can send
FAQ ID: 1069
Problem: C-more Help File opens but there is no help, just the "Contents".
Cause: Windows Security Update: It seems there is something new in the Windows Security "features".
Solution: To get the C-more software to work, check if the EA-HELP.CHM file is in the C-more installation folder:
For example
C:\program files (x86)\automationdirect)\cmore_ea9
If the file is there, check to see if the properties show an Unblock button. If so, unblock it.
If the EA-HELP.chm is not in the folder, it means the software was not unzipped before installed (if downloaded from the website) or it was installed from a CD with anti-virus software running.
In this case, you will need to unzip the downloaded file and then run the installation again.
FAQ ID: 1077
Why can I 'Browse' and list my panel in the Online Link List, but I can not transfer a project to it. The Transfer Button is inactive.
Your PC network interface card (NIC) in your PC may have a different subnet than the panel.
For example;
FAQ ID: 1079
Can you change the font size of the alarm's shown in the Alarm History screen? I have a 6 inch panel and I can't see the entire alarm message.
No, the message length needs to be limited to 28 characters for 6 inch panels.
FAQ ID: 1080
Do historical trends keep their data when power cycled?
Only if you use a SD (for EA9) CF (for EA7) or USB Flash and have datalogging turned on. Otherwise historical data is lost when power is cycled.
FAQ ID: 1082
Does C-More (NOT C-More Micro) work with any USB memory device? Does it require a particular brand of USB drive?
The C-More panel (NOT C-MORE MICRO) will work with most brands of USB pen drives as long as they meet the following specs:
FAQ ID: 1085
How many devices can a C-More panel connect to?
You can add up to 64 devices in the Panel Manager as devices. You may have issues before that number is reached depending on network traffic and response times. The panel has been tested with 64 devices connected on a properly functioning network.
FAQ ID: 1086
How do I access the setup screen?
Touch and hold the upper left corner of the touch screen for more than 3 seconds.
FAQ ID: 1093
What do I need to do to replace/upgrade my old EZ Touch panel to a CMore panel?
Please refer to this FAQ for the EzTouch panels; EzTouch FAQ 1099
FAQ ID: 1100
How can I make the PLC change screens on the C-more panel?
Application note AN-EA-005 describes how to do this for both the C-more and C-more Micro panel.
There is also an example program EP-EA-001 (with PDF copy) that shows how it done.
FAQ ID: 1110
How can I find the MAC address of a C-More panel?
If you are at the panel;
FAQ ID: 1114
Does Cmore remote access on a EA7-S6M grayscale screen display as grayscale or color when viewing on a remote pc screen?
FAQ ID: 1180
Can the cmore HMI read Rslogix 5000 / Contrologix alarm instruction blocks?
Alarm is a A-B datatype, you can enable the importing of this type by editing the "L5KPreDefine.txt" file in the Cmore install folder.
In the C-More software help file, search for Topic CM128 or you can use CM128. It covers the steps for importing AB L5K files into the C-More tag data base.
FAQ ID: 1188
Why is it that only 7 digits can be entered in the "Numeric Entry Object "when using Floating point numbers as the data format?
32-bit Floating point (single precision floating point) only has a decimal precision of 7 significant digits.
The significand of the 32 bit Floating point format is only 24 bits.
Which seems to like it should be 8-digits, but you can not get up to 99999999, you can only get to 16777215.
That is why it is about 7 decimals. It's overall max precision is 3.403 x 1038, but that is represented exponentially.
64-bit (or Double Precision) Floating point has a decimal precision of 16 significant digits
FAQ ID: 1190
Can I change the backup battery with power applied to my C-more HMI?
EA7 series panels: Yes. Access the rear of the HMI, open the battery door located under the power connector, and replace the battery.
EA9 series panels: There is no battery in the EA9 series panels.
FAQ ID: 1205
Why do I get unusual characters in C-More generated E-Mails?
C-More's E-Mail is sent in UTF-8 format.
If your E-Mail client does not use UTF-8 it will appear garbled. Check your E-Mail client's configuration to see if it allows UTF-8 formatting.
More information on UTF-8 is available http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
FAQ ID: 1222
Where can I find the C-More USB drivers? How can I manually install the drivers?
The drivers were installed on your local drive when the software installed.
There are two locations for the usb drivers. The right one to manually install depends on the version of Windows (32 or 64 bit) you are using
Driver 1) In the AutomationDirect\C-more\USB Driver folder that is for 32 bit OS.
Driver 2) In the AutomationDirect\USB Driver folder that is for 64 bit OS
NOTE! There is no 64 bit Xp driver.
You will need Admin rights on the PC and you should disable your antivirus packages during the install.
FAQ ID: 1224
How can I see the size or position in pixels of an object?
You can use the "Property List" in the software. To open the Property List, you can:
FAQ ID: 1225
Can the C-More act as a Data Server?
No, the C-more cannot act as a server.
It can log data files on a USB or Compact Flash that you can access using FTP (if the FTP Server is enabled) or it can FTP the log files to an FTP Server.
For a data server you would use an OPC server, like KepServerEX
FAQ ID: 1231
Can the C-More panels display bitmap files (JPG, BMP etc..) from a USB or Compact Flash Drive? (Dynamic loading of the bitmap files)
No, you cannot do that.
The software embeds the bitmaps into the project file, when you download the project to the panel.
FAQ ID: 1232
Can you change the position of the alarm message banner?
The alarm banner position cannot be changed, it resides at the bottom of the screen.
The alarm banner is unique in that it will display on any screen automatically.
If you need customized alarm messages (position etc), you could make a background screen with a lookup text object or add the object to all screens that would need this. You would need to address multiple alarms with PLC logic to select the messages one at a time etc. You would have to handle the queueing and display of the alarms manually. The advantage of the alarm banner is that the panel handle this sequencing for you.
FAQ ID: 1234
What is the maximum memory size Compact flash I can put into the Cmore panel?
Maximum = 137GB
FAQ ID: 1242
What is the maximum memory size USB pen drive I can place into a Cmore?
Maximum = 2TB (Cmore software 2.51 or higher required)
FAQ ID: 1243
Can the C-More be used with a TWIDO PLC?
Yes, you use the Modicon Modbus drivers;
Modbus Addressing
FAQ ID: 1288
Can I send a text message to my cell phone from C-More?
You MAY be able to do that but it depends on the Cell Provider and your E-mail Server.
You will still need an e-mail server that works with C-More to send the E-mail through.
Normally the address is something like the following (for T-Mobile);
There are lists of cell provider SMS E-mail addresses on the Internet or your provider should be able to tell you if that service is available.
FAQ ID: 1289
Can the Remote Access and Control feature be used on my iPhone, Windows or Android phone/device ?
The Remote Access and Control feature is available for the iPhone/iPad/iTouch devices and Android devices through the Remote HMI App designed specifically for C-more Remote Access.
Search for "Remote HMI" in the iTunes App store or the Google Play store. Or you can use the following links for more info:
iTunes Remote HMI App
Android Remote HMI App
FAQ ID: 1291
Are there any limtations of the number and type of events in the event manager events?
You can have a combination of 16 allowable Actions per Event. However, for each type of Action, the limitations per Event are:
FAQ ID: 1292
What are the viewable angles for the C-More panels (applies to LCD displays in general)
Viewable angle depends on the LCD type used.
FAQ ID: 1293
In the C-More PLC Enquiry Test menu, Ping passes but protocol fails.
Test from the panel.
Use the panel's onboard diagnostics.
FAQ ID: 1297
My C-more is not displaying the same floating point number as my (PLC, Spreadsheet, or other platform). Why is this?
This is usually due to truncation or rounding of the floating point value due to the number of decimal places that are displayed. All of our products follow IEEE-754 floating point specification, which is not rounded.
The following example uses this IEEE-754 Floating-Point Conversion to show how rounding can affect floating point numbers.
FAQ ID: 1302
FTP issues, I try to read my log files with Internet or Windows Explorer and FTP but they appear to be older copies or not present.
This happens if you use Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer and have caching enabled. Caching of the data is enabled by default and the cached data will be used until you clear your cache or change the settings.
FAQ ID: 1311
Can a 90/30 CPU (IC693CPU311) be used with a C-more or C-more Micro Panel ?
It depends on the firmware in the CPU 311.
CPU 311 firmware before 4.40 did not support SNP-X.
SNP (Series Ninety Protocol) is not the same as SNP-X (Series Ninety Protocol Express) and will not work with the C-more
If you use our cable or cable wiring diagram pay close attention to the cable ends. The cable is not symmetrical and it has a panel and plc end. Our cable is labeled to reflect this.. It will not work properly if flipped.
FAQ ID: 1328
I cannot connect to a C-more for programming, my ping times are very long or I cannot ping (VPN etc). Can you change the timeouts?
For EA7 (all) and EA9 (prior to V6.0)
FAQ ID: 1329
Can I use external memory to transfer a project from a Cmore panel, edit the project, save it to the external memory, and load the project back into the panel?
Yes. The EA7 panels can use Compact Flash (CF) memory and the EA9 panels only uses USB.
Subsitute USB for CF, if doing an EA9 panel
FAQ ID: 1353
Can the C-more Siemens S7-200 serial driver be used with the S7-300 series?
No, the S7-300 uses MPI not PPI. The serial driver is for PPI only
FAQ ID: 1373
How can I see my C-more's public IP address? I have a dynamic public IP address and it changes.
If you have the ability to send E-Mail from your C-more, you could have the panel send you an E-Mail on power up or based on an event and examine the E-Mail header for the public IP of the router the C-more uses.
The sending IP address information will be embedded in the E-Mail header.
In Outlook 2007 you can view the header information by highlighting the E-Mail, right clicking and select Message Options.
For example;
My system sent me an E-Mail on power up and in the header it says
Received: from omta06.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net ([]) by
QMTA11.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net with comcast id
Lbm31h00316LCl05BbmTAu; Mon, 15 Aug 2011 11:46:27 +0000
Received: from smtp.comcast.net ([]) by
omta06.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net with comcast id
My C-more's Public IP is
FAQ ID: 1380
Can you update a project and optionally the firmware using a compact flash card in the built-in CF1 slot of the compact flash capable C-more panels (non -R versions)?
Yes, you can successfully update a panel project and optionally the firmware using a compact flash card in CF1.
FAQ ID: 1381
Can I connect a C-more and a Productivity 3000 P3-550 CPU on the same router for programing over the internet? They both use port 9999 and I do not see how to change that.
Yes, you can have one C-More and 1 P3-550 CPU if you select the correct port forwarding settings.
Set the port forwarding for the C-more to TCP only.
Set the port forwarding for the P3-550 to UDP only.
FAQ ID: 1386
I am getting EA.pgm errors, EA_.mdb errors, and/or GUI-121 errors. How can I resolve these?
Please look at this document.
C-more database issues
FAQ ID: 1391
Can I use the C-more in a pressurized/purged enclosure?
No, the C-more isn't designed for any positive pressure, it will damage the housing or screen.
Can only be used in 0 pressure differential applications.
FAQ ID: 1412
Why does my Cmore quit data logging?
The Maximum Number of Log Files with the same first four characters is 999 files.
For versions before 6.31 data logging will stop when this limit is reached. For version 6.31 and later data logging will continue but the oldest file(s) will be over written.
Internal file identification is restricted by the DOS 8-character-dot-3-character limit. Because of this, trend log files are identified internally by the first four characters of the screen name + tilde + a three digit number. For example,
FAQ ID: 1417
What can I do to enhance the performance of my C-More panel?
1) Turn transparency off and change the background color to match the underlying object.
2) Turn off Stretch to fit and resize the bitmap in external software.
3) Animation will affect performance.
4) Rotation will affect performance.
5) Do not use visibility unless necessary.
6) Limit the use of gradient colors, use flat colors.
7) Reduce the number of objects on the screen.
8) Having objects that blink affects performance.
9) Checking the Bitmap Option in the panel manager will affect performance.
10) Do not stack or overlap objects unless absolutely necessary.
11) Limit the number of tags on the screen to what is absolutely necessary.
12) Make tags consecutive memory addresses for the screens that have a lot of tags.
13) Think about if you really need all of the Events that you have programmed. Each Event adds processing time to execute and possibly polling to the PLC for data.
14) Think about if you really need all of the Trend Graphs points. Each one will add to the processing time and to the polling time of the PLC.
15) Use Ethernet.
16) Using Full Screen popups will limit performance.
17) Use Compact Flash and use the SYS CopyLogs Tags to transfer data to the USB. We recommend using CF2.
18) Sending Email can affect performance.
19) Remote Access can affect performance.
20) Sounds can affect performance.
For more information on this subject, see Application Note AN-EA-010
FAQ ID: 1433
I'm having trouble getting email to work, what are the most common problems with Email using the C-more panels?
FAQ ID: 1463
Remote access on my iOS version 7 device (iPhone, iPod or iPad) does not display a password box.
FAQ ID: 1465
I cannot connect the C-more panel to Windows via the USB.
Look in your device manager in Windows.
Does the Cmore come up under Unknown devices?
FAQ ID: 1498
Can the Productivity 3000 P3-RX or RS serial port be used for Cmore the same as CPU port? Using the P3 protocol in Cmore?
Yes, you can use RS-485 or RS-232 with either the P3-RX or RS with a Cmore panel.
FAQ ID: 1514
How many CIP connections are used when connected to a Micrologix CPU via Ethernet?
One connection per device
FAQ ID: 1519
Will the recovery tool work in the demo version of the software?
FAQ ID: 1564