AutomationDirect Logo DL305 - DL330/340 CPUs Frequently Asked Questions

Product Selected: DL305 - DL330/340 CPUs
Category Selected: Communications

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Question: Why can I successfully connect with DirectSOFT to a D3-330 with my DCU, but when I put my DCU on a D3-330P, I cannot connect?
Answer: To connect to a D3-330P, dipswitch 6, block 1 (PGM mode at power up) has to be ON.
FAQ ID: 102
Question: Can I do Peer-to-Peer networking between two D3-340s?
Answer: No.
The D3-340 only supports Master/Slave networking. There is a misprint in the 305 User Manual.
That is, one the master can initiate communications. Peer-to-peer communications allows that every device can initiate communications.
FAQ ID: 105
Question: I have a GE Series 1 RS-422 DCU. What do I need to communicate to my RS-232-C port on my computer?
Answer: A FA-UNICON and a D2-DSCBL will be needed. The UNICON will plug directly on the DCU converting RS-422 to RS-232. A converter supplied with the UNICON will convert the RS-232 side of the UNICON to a RJ-12 modular connector. The D2-DSCBL will plug into the converter allowing a connection to a DB9 connector on the PC.
FAQ ID: 110
Question: Why won't the DDE server read from my D3-330?
Answer: The password in the PLC is not allowing access.
FAQ ID: 120
Question: Where can I locate a Modbus cross-reference table for a D3-340 CPU?
Answer: Printed table Xref Document

There is a Excel spreadsheet for calculating the Modbus-Koyo conversion address. Modbus Spreadsheet Use the "340 Modbus" sheet
FAQ ID: 127
Question: Can the D3-DCM be a Modbus master?
Answer: No it can't.
FAQ ID: 700