AutomationDirect Logo Terminator I/O Frequently Asked Questions

Product Selected: Terminator I/O
Category Selected: Base Controllers

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Question: What are the specifications for the T1K-DEVNETS module?
Answer: Those specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 488
Question: What are the specifications for the T1H-EBC module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 503
Question: What are the specifications for the T1K-RSSS module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 506
Question: What are the specifications for the T1H-PBC module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 507
Question: What are the specifications for the T1K-MODBUS module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 508
Question: Can I use a Terminator EBC from a 405 ECOM?
Answer: This will not work. The ECOM will not work as a master. The Terminator EBC must be used with PC control.
FAQ ID: 602
Question: What version of Think & Do supports Terminator I/O?
Answer: 6.0 and newer
FAQ ID: 622