AutomationDirect Logo DL105 Frequently Asked Questions

Product Selected: DL105
Category Selected: Communications

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Question: Can the DL105 be networked?
Answer: No, the F1-130 is a stand alone unit. It has one RS232 communication port that can be used for programming or operator interface panels that communicate using K-Sequence protocol at 9600 baud.

FAQ ID: 34
Question: Does the DL105 support DNP 3.0 protocol?
Answer: At this time, it does not.
FAQ ID: 44
Question: Can you network a DL105 and a D3-340?
Answer: No...the DL105 supports only K sequence and the D3-340 supports DirectNET. We suggest using a DL05 instead of a DL105 in this case.
FAQ ID: 46
Question: Can the DL105 communicate any faster than 9600 Baud?
Answer: No.
FAQ ID: 319
Question: Can a modem be used with the DL105?
Answer: No, because it only uses K-Sequence and does not have the CTX/RTX functions. The DL05 has the functions.
FAQ ID: 589
Question: Can I communicate to a single DL105 from 2 masters?
Answer: No. Only one master at a time.
FAQ ID: 651