What is DBWin32 application on DSDATA?
It is a debugging tool used to troubleshoot and log vital information for applications like DS Data and DirectSoft Programming.
With DS Data it can be utilized in two ways:
· FOR LOGGING ITEMS: After starting DS Data, DBWin32 can be invoked by pressing the "Launch Logger" button and is commonly used to record data for particular Items that you may want to log. By clicking on the empty box beside the particular Item you are interested in and causing an "L" to appear, the transactions for that Item will be recorded in the DBWin32 window. Then the file can be saved for review later.
· FOR TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEMS: More detailed troubleshooting information can be obtained, however, closing down DS Data, then editing the DS400.INI file. In that file under the heading [devasync.dll] you should add a line that says Dump=1 (It may already be there. If it is, then, by default, it usually is preceded by a ";". If it is just remove the ";" from in front of it.). Then start DBWin32 (Start --> Programs --> DirectSOFT4 --> DirectSOFT4 Program Tools --> DBWin32 Logger). Lastly start DS Data. Now the window will fill with messages. You can then save this data to a text file and send it to Automation Direct or Host Engineering for help in troubleshooting.
With DirectSoft Programming it can be utilized for troubleshooting only. Follow the same procedure as above except, of course, start DirectSoft Programming instead of DS Data. When you start the applications (e.g. DS Data, DirectSoft Programming) you may be asked if you are sure you want to dump information in the logger. Just answer "Yes."
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2003-08-28
Document ID: 987
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