Getting errors while trying to importing Memory Data
If you are importing a memory data CSV file that includes strings, you might get an error stating, "Quoted string must start and end with double quotes". Also possible is that you get memory locations with NULLs. This can be caused by using Excel to generate your CSV file.
If you use Excel to generate or edit a CSV file for importing, Excel can add or strip quotation marks from the CSV file. The correct syntax is to have each string register's data within quotes (i.e. "String 1" ).
If you used Excel and are getting import errors, open the CSV file in Notepad, or another simple line editor, and make sure that all the strings have single quotes around them. If there is no quotes for the strings, the import will fail and show you an error message. Add the quotes using the editor.
If the import seemed to work but you have data in the wrong locations, open the CSV file with Notepad and check for double quotes (i.e. ""Sting 1"" ). The import will assume 3 stings because of the quotes. The import will not generate an error but you will have memory locations with a NULL. Use the editor to delete the extra quotation marks.
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2018-05-14
Document ID: 1602
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