What is new in DirectSOFT version 6.0?
New! Over 40 new IBoxes including:
2 New IBoxes for PEERLINK support:
ECRDPL - ECOM100 Read Peerlink Status
ECWRPLPA - ECOM100 Write Peerlink Pause
1 New IBox:
MOVER - Move Real.
2 New IBoxes to move multiple words:
MOVRANGE - Move Range of V using MOV
MOVEFOR - Move Range of V using FOR/NEXT
2 New IBoxes: Added Double versions of the
FILTERBD - Filter Over Time - Binary Double
FILTERD - Filter Over Time - BCD Double
2 New Absolute Value IBoxes:
ABSBIN - Absolute Value - Binary
ABSR - Absolute Value - Real
4 New IBoxes: Created 4 IBoxes to convert Binary values to Real values (16 bit and 32 bit):
BINTOR - Unsigned Binary to Real with Implied Decimal Point
BINTORD - Unsigned Double Binary to Real with Implied Decimal Point
BINSTOR - Signed Binary to Real with Implied Decimal Point
BINSTORD - Signed Double Binary to Real with Implied Decimal Point
4 New IBoxes: Created 4 IBoxes to convert Real values to Binary values (16 bit and 32 bit):
RTOBIN - Real to Unsigned Binary with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding
RTOBIND - Real to Double Unsigned Binary with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding
RTOBINS - Real to Signed Binary with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding
RTOBINSD - Real to Double Signed Binary with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding
1 New IBox: Created a CTRIO Edit Level Response IBox.
2 New CTRIO Register Read/Write IBoxes:
CTRRGRD - CTRIO Register Read
CTRRGWR - CTRIO Register Write
3 New CTRIO Mode 2 IBoxes
CTRVEL2 - CTRIO Velocity Mode 2
CTRRTLM2 - CTRIO Run To Limit Mode 2
CTRRTPM2 - CTRIO Run To Position Mode 2
3 New ERM IBoxes:
ERM - ERM Config
ERMSLAVE - ERM Read Slave Error Codes
ERMSTATS - ERM Read Status
10 New IBoxes to Increment or Decrement by a given value:
DECBYBIN - Decrement by Binary
DECBYBIND - Decrement by Binary Double
DECBYBCD - Decrement by BCD
DECBYBCDD - Decrement by BCD Double
DECBYR - Decrement by Real
INCBYBIN - Increment by Binary
INCBYBIND - Increment by Binary Double
INCBYBCD - Increment by BCD
INCBYBCDD - Increment by BCD Double
INCBYR - Increment by Real
3 New HI/LO Alarm IBoxes:
HILOALBD -- Hi/Lo Alarm - Binary Double
HILOALD -- Hi/Lo Alarm - BCD Double
HILOALR -- Hi/Lo Alarm - Real
2 New IBoxes support Scaling:
SCALEB - Scale Value - Unsigned Binary
SCALEBD - Scale Value - Unsigned Double Binary
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2017-08-11
Document ID: 1588
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