C-more Frequently Asked Questions
I'm having trouble getting email to work, what are the most common problems with Email using the C-more panels?
- Unsupported servers
- Gmail and Yahoo will not work with EA7 panels,
- Some ISPs block any mail traffic that did not originate on their network or use their server, have the server admin check the server logs
- Incorrect password and/or username
- Encryption - SSL and TLS will not work with Cmore
- DNS issues - if using the server name, you may want to try using the servers IP address instead
- Testing should be done from an actual event in C-more, not from the address book 'test email' function, there are some circumstances where the test function will not work, the event will always try to send an email
- If the ISP blocks certain ports, you can change the port in the C-more
- If using a local server, it is best to get an unencrypted log in from the email server admin
- Incorrect gateway address configuration
Gmail and Yahoo have started blocking 3rd party access to their email servers. Log into your email account and select the option to allow 3rd party access, that should allow EA9 C-More the ability to send emails through that mail account.
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2021-01-26
Document ID: 1463
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