C-more Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do to enhance the performance of my C-More panel?
1) Turn transparency off and change the background color to match the underlying object.
2) Turn off Stretch to fit and resize the bitmap in external software.
3) Animation will affect performance.
4) Rotation will affect performance.
5) Do not use visibility unless necessary.
6) Limit the use of gradient colors, use flat colors.
7) Reduce the number of objects on the screen.
8) Having objects that blink affects performance.
9) Checking the Bitmap Option in the panel manager will affect performance.
10) Do not stack or overlap objects unless absolutely necessary.
11) Limit the number of tags on the screen to what is absolutely necessary.
12) Make tags consecutive memory addresses for the screens that have a lot of tags.
13) Think about if you really need all of the Events that you have programmed. Each Event adds processing time to execute and possibly polling to the PLC for data.
14) Think about if you really need all of the Trend Graphs points. Each one will add to the processing time and to the polling time of the PLC.
15) Use Ethernet.
16) Using Full Screen popups will limit performance.
17) Use Compact Flash and use the SYS CopyLogs Tags to transfer data to the USB. We recommend using CF2.
18) Sending Email can affect performance.
19) Remote Access can affect performance.
20) Sounds can affect performance.
For more information on this subject, see
Application Note AN-EA-010
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2012-11-27
Document ID: 1433
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