C-more Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my Cmore quit data logging?
The Maximum Number of Log Files with the same first four characters is 999 files.
For versions before 6.31 data logging will stop when this limit is reached. For version 6.31 and later data logging will continue but the oldest file(s) will be over written.
Internal file identification is restricted by the DOS 8-character-dot-3-character limit. Because of this, trend log files are identified internally by the first four characters of the screen name + tilde + a three digit number. For example,
will be identified internally as TREN~001.txt and TREN~002.txt. As new log files are created each day, these files count against the same max of 999 files.
If Multiple Graph Objects appear on one screen, the files will be identified internally by the first Two Characters of the screen name plus the first Two Characters of the object name + tilde + three digit number.
To maximize file storage capabilities, consider using screen names that are unique in the first four characters, and using object names that are unique in the first two characters.
For further information, look at page 4 of the
C-More Manual Appendix B
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2021-01-26
Document ID: 1417
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