C-more Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use external memory to transfer a project from a Cmore panel, edit the project, save it to the external memory, and load the project back into the panel?
Yes. The EA7 panels can use Compact Flash (CF) memory and the EA9 panels only uses USB.
Subsitute USB for CF, if doing an EA9 panel
- Turn on the panel without the CF in the CF1 slot.
- Verify that the project loads on the panel.
- Insert the CF card in the CF1 slot.
- Go to the SYSTEM screen, select: MEMORY >> BACKUP >> CF1 >> NEXT, select PROJECT and also SYSTEM (you can select others as desired), NEXT, then OK.
- The backup should complete. Press OK.
- Exit the SETUP screens and remove the CF card.
- Place the CF card in the reader in your PC.
- Open the Cmore programming software.
- Select File/Open Project.
- Point to the CF drive and change 'Files of Type' to be STARTUP STORAGE (*.EAS).
- Go to the EA_MemoryCopy folder and select the StartupStorage.eas file and click Open.
- Make your project edits.
- Select File/Project Transfer. On the Step 3 window, select External Memory Device instead of Panel. In the box labeled "Select a Drive:", select the drive letter of your CF card. Click the 'Transfer' button. On the Select Firmware file window, make sure it's using the latest firmware file, then select OK. If a window pops up saying that x:EA_MemoryCopyStartupStorage.eas already exists, click YES, you want to replace it.
- Remove the CF card from your PC reader.
- With the Cmore panel already powered up, insert the CF card in the CF1 slot.
- Go to the SYSTEM screen, select: MEMORY, RESTORE, CF1, NEXT, select PROJECT and also SYSTEM (you can select others as desired), NEXT, then OK.
- After the restore is complete, the panel will reboot. Because the CF card is still in the CF1 slot, the panel will try and boot from the CF card. To view the new project you restored, you will need to remove the CF card from the CF1 slot and power cycle the panel.
FAQ Subcategory: None
This item was last updated on 2021-01-26
Document ID: 1353
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