AutomationDirect Logo DL06 Frequently Asked Questions

Product Selected: DL06
Category Selected: Local and Remote I/O

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Question: Do any of the DL06s have Triac outputs?
Answer: Yes, the D0-06AA & D0-06DA.
FAQ ID: 997
Question: I need to add more IO to my DL06, what are my options?
Answer: a. You can use available option modules, such as: discrete IO and/or analog IO, in the four available expansion slots.
b. If these are used up, it is possible to use the PLC as master to a second or multiple slave PLCs. You can use a serial or Ethernet connection and use RX/WX instructions to control the IO of other linked PLCs. This is not the preferred method to add IO.
c. The end of Chapter 4 in the DL06 user manual covers networking using Modbus RTU or DirecNet protocols. Port 2 on a DL06 supports RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485. Directnet can be used with RS-232 and RS-422. Modbus RTU can be used with the same electrical connections plus it also supports RS-485.
d. You should consider using a DL250-1 or DL260 CPU and the engineered local expansion and/or remote IO connections available to that family. Changing the ladder to that family can be as simple as changing the PLC type in the OFFLINE Setup.
FAQ ID: 1176