AutomationDirect Logo DL05 Frequently Asked Questions

Product Selected: DL05
Category Selected: Power, I/O, and Wiring

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Question: Does AutomationDirect offer a DC-powered version of the DL05?
Answer: Yes, AutomationDirect offers the:
Question: I will be using a D0-05DD over seas in France, do I need an EMI filter to be compliant?
Answer: Yes, we recommend a Schaffner FN2010 EMI Filter. This information is provided in Appendix J of the DL05 User manual.
FAQ ID: 23
Question: Does DL05 have a 24v accessory power supply?
Answer: No, it does not.
FAQ ID: 27
Question: Does DL05 need to be powered up to download a program to it?
Answer: Yes, it does.
FAQ ID: 28
Question: Do any of the DL05s have Triac outputs?
Answer: Yes, the D0-05AA & D0-05DA .
FAQ ID: 314
Question: What are the operating volts of the DC version DL05?
Answer: 12-24VDC nominal.
FAQ ID: 315
Question: What is the current consumption of the DC type DL05?
Answer: 50 ma @24VDC in "RUN" mode.
FAQ ID: 351
Question: Will the D0-05DR-D operate at 28VDC?
Answer: It is not designed to. Its operating specification is 10.8 to 26.4 VDC. Outside these specs you will be risking damage to the product.
FAQ ID: 377
Question: What is the max. tolerable inrush for relay outs on the DL05 AC units?
Answer: 5A max at 250VAC resistive, 3A max at 250VAC inductive.
FAQ ID: 379
Question: Why will my DL05 not communicate with the use of a Ziplink cable?
Answer: There are several ZIPlink cables for the 05 PLC.

FAQ ID: 463
Question: Where can I find the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05AA model?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 518
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05AD module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 519
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05AR module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 520
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05DA module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 521
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05DD module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 522
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05DD-D module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 523
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05DR module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 524
Question: Can you provide the wiring diagram and I/O specifications for the D0-05DR-D module?
Answer: The specifications can be found at this link.
FAQ ID: 525
Question: Will the DL05 measure resistive changes?
Answer: No.
FAQ ID: 548
Question: On the input power side of the unit, what type of fuse do I need for the AC powered DL05?
Answer: We suggest a 1.6a slow blow.
FAQ ID: 550
Question: What is the torque specification for the terminal blocks on the DL05?
Answer: 0.343Nm
FAQ ID: 580
Question: Is it true you need to add some form of protection when using relay outputs to turn on solenoids or motor contactors
Answer: Yes, it is true. Devices with coils (inductive loads) driven by a PLC relay output will generate a voltage spike when it is turned off. You should install some form of surge suppression, such as TVS, MOV or Diode, at the coil or as close to the coil of the solenoid (or other device) as possible.

App Note AN-MISC-032 covers surge suppression in more detail
FAQ ID: 1171