Do-more PLC Frequently Asked Questions
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Does Do-more support local or remote expansion bases?
H2 Do-More
FAQ ID: 1421
What 205 modules does H2 Do-More support?
The H2 Do-More supports:
FAQ ID: 1422
Are there any slot restriction or placement requirements for modules?
There are no longer Slot 0 restrictions, any module can go next to CPU. No module has to be placed in a certain slot either.
FAQ ID: 1423
What communications are available in Do-more if the DCM and CoPro modules aren't supported?
The H2-SERIO and H2-SERIO-4 take over many features of DCM and CoPro.
H2-SERIO-4 can do Modbus, K-seq, ASCII, or customer can create his own protocol. There are 3 ports available on either module, all independently configurable.
FAQ ID: 1424
How is memory addressing different/better?
Do-more has many default data types, but most users will only need to use "D" (signed 32) and "R" (Real) data types for most programming.
Note that WX0 and WY0 are the built-in analog data types, they are signed 16. It's very easy to use the SCALE box to convert to engineering units and change into a D or R data type.
Note the 8in, 4out analog combo cards will need to use casting, such as WX0:U or WY0:U, which converts it to unsigned 16.
FAQ ID: 1426
How do I setup the Ethernet port of the H2-DM1E to use DMLogger?
Go to Project Browser>Tools>System Info. On the General Information tab, click on the "Set Node and IP Configuration" button. Here, setup a compatible IP address and subnet for your computer, and hit "Ok". This will update your Ethernet port.
Now, you are ready to use the STREAMOUT instruction. Set the "Device" entry to @DMLogger,and fill out the remainder of the instruction as desired. Remember you have to write the project to the CPU.
Open Do-More Logger from the Windows Start menu. Now you are ready to trigger your STREAMOUT and DMLogger will capture it.
FAQ ID: 1434
Is there a converter/translator that would allow using a DirectSoft project in Do-more Designer?
Yes there is. Look for help topic DMD0190 in the Do-more software help file.
FAQ ID: 1435
How do I configure my CTRIO / CTRIO2 with Workbench now?
The CTRIO configuration software is built into the Do-More Designer software, it is no longer an additional utility.
To configure the module, in the Project Browser, go to the System Configuration >> Module Configurations to make changes to the module.
FAQ ID: 1436
Where is the Instruction manual for Do-more Designer? I want details on the instructions.
The Do-more Designer software now includes all the instruction information in the Do-More Designer software help, there is no separate manual. You can even click the "question mark" in each instruction and it will take you right to the pertinent Help topic.
FAQ ID: 1437
What Operator Interfaces can I use with Do-more? Are there any special tips?
The EA1 and EA7 C-more panels have drivers for the default Do-More memory addresses, they cannot access user-created memory areas.
The EA3 and EA9 C-More panels have serial and ethernet drivers for the default Do-More memory addresses. If you create your own memory types in the Do-More PLC, there is a separate symbolic driver, that will let the panel access your user-created data types.
FAQ ID: 1438
Can the CPU serial port, or the H2-SERIO modules, do full duplex (bi-directional) ASCII?
Yes, both of them can.
FAQ ID: 1442
Getting errors while trying to importing Memory Data
If you are importing a memory data CSV file that includes strings, you might get an error stating, "Quoted string must start and end with double quotes". Also possible is that you get memory locations with NULLs. This can be caused by using Excel to generate your CSV file.
If you use Excel to generate or edit a CSV file for importing, Excel can add or strip quotation marks from the CSV file. The correct syntax is to have each string register's data within quotes (i.e. "String 1" ).
If you used Excel and are getting import errors, open the CSV file in Notepad, or another simple line editor, and make sure that all the strings have single quotes around them. If there is no quotes for the strings, the import will fail and show you an error message. Add the quotes using the editor.
If the import seemed to work but you have data in the wrong locations, open the CSV file with Notepad and check for double quotes (i.e. ""Sting 1"" ). The import will assume 3 stings because of the quotes. The import will not generate an error but you will have memory locations with a NULL. Use the editor to delete the extra quotation marks.
FAQ ID: 1602