Productivity Series Frequently Asked Questions
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Why is my firmware browse button greyed out?
This is due to the CPU run/stop switch being in the run position. Place switch to stop and browse button can be selected.
FAQ ID: 1238
Why when I open the PID tuning tool the screen is blank?
You will need to configure a PID loop (PID) instruction, then PID tunning window will be populated.
FAQ ID: 1240
What is the speed of DC inputs for the PAC modules if I want to use them to count pulses? Can they be used like the High-Speed inputs on the 05/06?
The response time is given for each of the modules, and it's basically the same time as DirectLogic hardware.
However, the scan time of the P series CPU is so much faster, that the inputs can be used into a counter, up to 200 times per sec (200 Hz). This is still not close to the 5 Khz range for the 05/06 inputs in HSI mode, but it is great improvement over standard DL inputs.
FAQ ID: 1322
Why am I getting a large or maximum Output value from my PID loop when my "P"(Gain) is small and my "I"(Reset) is 0? It appears that my error is integrating, and the output keeps increasing.
The Integral value for the P3 is actually calculated differently than our DirectLogic hardware. A value of 0 for Integral is actually maximum effect.
You need to put a large number in there, to reduce the effect to insignificance, like 9999. Note that 9999 is NOT a "Disable" setting, it just reduces the effect to an inconsequential level.
FAQ ID: 1331
What data (tag) types are required in the PID loop tuning constants?
The P,I,D tuning settings will accept all numeric data types (this excludes Boolean and Strings).
For P and I, in particular, it is usually beneficial to create tags of "Float" type, since 3.5 may be ideal for your Proportional (P) or Integral (I) settings, and values of 3 or 4 don't quite give the correct response. The same can also apply to Derivative (D), but it is used less often.
FAQ ID: 1359
Can I nest Tasks ( Call a Task from another Task)?
No, this is not allowed.
FAQ ID: 1370
How do I create a "Jog" function with the new P3-HSO module?
Use 2 VMOV instructions boxes. Set one for a positive "Move Direction" and set the other for negative. You can use a common tag for "Velocity" and "Ramp Rate", or use constants.
Have your Jog pushbuttons wired into standard inputs of the P3 system, and use them as the logic to enable the respective VMOV box.
FAQ ID: 1395
What is meant by "Delay Registration Action by" in the VMOV and SMOV boxes? Is this a time delay?
You can substitute the words "Inhibit" or "Offset" in place of "Delay". This is not time-based, merely a distance before the "Decel to a Stop" takes effect. You can use it to decrease your overall Registration time, since if only "Decel to a Stop" is checked, then decel will immediately start at the Registration input. This could slow your motion down. By using both boxes, the motion can continue at the steady velocity, until it reaches the value set in "Delay Registration by", then the decel will take place. The user must determine what acceptable values are for his system, the instructions cannot prevent overshoot if values are too small are entered into the instructions.
FAQ ID: 1397
How do I create a "follower" or "slave" function/application with the P3-HSI and HSO modules?
Very easily! There are 2 main ways to do this: using both an HSI and an HSO module, OR, just using an HSO module with another signal source (analog perhaps).
1)With HSI and HSO module: In Hardware Config for the HSI module, when you get to "Channel x Setup", the tag you create for the entry "Current Velocity" ("MyMasterVelocity" for example)will be the incoming master velocity signal. This will be the tag used in the VMOV instruction in the ladder.Continue with the HSI and HSO configuration, compile and save your project.
Now, in the ladder, use the VMOV box, and in the Velocity entry, use the tag from above "MyMasterVelocity" and fill out the rest of the entries in the box. When enabled, assuming the Scaling of HSI and HSO are even, the VMOV will output pulses in direct relation to the value of "MyMasterVelocity".
2)If just using an HSO module, setup the module in Hardware Config, compile and save project. Again, the VMOV box will be used, and the master velocity signal ( analog, calculated, external comms, etc) will be the tag used in "Velocity" of the VMOV box. You will need to match up the ratio between the two, either using the Scaling setup of the HSO, and/or a SCALE instruction in the ladder for your master signal.
FAQ ID: 1398
Can I use a P3-HSI module to read the SureServo line-driver encoder output?
Yes! The P3-HSI can accept both differential (line-driver) or single-ended (sink/source) as input signals. There is a wiring diagram in the P3-HSI insert for line driver signals.
FAQ ID: 1399
Can I use a SureServo drive with the P3-HSO module?
Yes. There is an HSO-to-SureServo wiring diagram in the P3-HSO insert.
FAQ ID: 1401
How do I find the Modbus addresses in the P3 CPU?
There are no Modbus addresses by default. The programmer must first create the tags, then, in Tag Database, assign them Modbus addresses.
The software only allows you to apply proper datatypes, and it will increment each selection as you enter a Modbus address. It very straight-forward.
FAQ ID: 1402
How many tags can I log to a USB/microSD drive? How fast can I log them?
A maximum of 64 tags can be logged. These are configured in the Productivity software, under Setup>Data Logger. The fastest the software will allow scheduled logging is once a minute.
You can use a Boolean tag in your program to log at a faster rate. One second is the practical maximum, the P3/P2 wasn't designed as a high-speed DAQ.
FAQ ID: 1403
What is the best way to use a C-more with a P3 system? There aren't fixed addresses to use in the C-more, how do I avoid all the typing?
Export your Tags from the P3 software, then Import them into a C-more project (where you've already assigned the Productivity3000 driver object).
Any object you create will allow you to select a comparable datatype tag from the P3 tags. Avoids all the typing and possibility of typos.
FAQ ID: 1404
How do I read my P3 system configuration from the software? My "Hardware Config" button is grayed out?
The CPU must be in STOP mode. You can do this thru the software, or by moving the Run/Stop switch on the CPU to "Stop".
FAQ ID: 1405
What is the maximum number of rungs that can be in a single task?
The maximum number of rungs allowed in any single task is 4096. This includes any subrungs.
FAQ ID: 1418
What USB thumb drives can I use with the Productivity 3000?
The Productivity 3000 supports USB MSC(mass storage class) flash drives. The disk format must be FAT or preferably FAT32. The current max size that is supported is 32GB and smaller drive sizes will yield better performance. We recommend using a "brandname" flash drive (Sandisk, Kingston, etc).
Drives with U3 partitions need to be reformatted to a single partition.
FAQ ID: 1432
What is the default IP address of the Ethernet programming port the P3-530 and P3-550?
FAQ ID: 1464
When I try to auto discover my CPU in the PAC connection window, the window is blank, what can cause this issue?
The PAC connections window uses multicast browse messaging to look for available CPU's on the network. Therefore, your network could be preventing this action.
Use the add connection window to add a new connection with your CPU IP address.
Note: New CPU's have a default IP address of
FAQ ID: 1527
Why can I see my P3-550 CPU in the PAC Connections Dialog, but I can not connect to it?
The most common reason for this is a conflict in the Subnet Mask in your Ethernet configuration between your PC or Laptop and the P3-550. The discovery method used to find connected CPUs on the network is different from the method used to connect and communicate to the CPU, which explains why you may be able to see the CPU, but not connect to it. See the Communications Ethernet topic.
FAQ ID: 1528
Will my IP address change in the P2/P3 CPUs if I remove/clear the project?
The IP address is not affected by removing/clearing the CPU project.
However, do not assume the IP address (or project) would not be affected by a firmware update. Make sure you have backups and are connected locally to the CPU before attempting a firmware update.
FAQ ID: 1557
Question Can I connect a C-more and a Productivity 3000 P3-550 CPU on the same router for programing over the internet? They both use port 9999 and I do not see how to change that.
Yes, you can have one C-More and 1 P3-550 CPU if you select the correct port forwarding settings.
Set the port forwarding for the C-more to TCP only.
Set the port forwarding for the P3-550 to UDP only.
FAQ ID: 1559
Are there any restricted IP addresses or ranges not allowed with the Productivity Suite software?
Restricted IP addresses starting with:
* 127
* 10.20
* or higher
FAQ ID: 1577
How do I install the USB driver for Productivity Suite? My USB connection isn't working, what should I do?
Make sure that Productivity Suite is shut down, and the USB cable is unplugged from PC.
For Productivity Version (or older)
Once the software is installed, go to installation folder. On most computers, this will be: "C:\Program Files\Automation Direct\Productivity Suite x.x.x\data\USB"
FAQ ID: 1585