The FC Move is sometimes called a "blended" or "high-speed/creep" move. It is fully defined as "Feed to Length, with Speed Change",
that will accelerate up to a certain speed, and continue at that velocity until it reaches the "DC" (Distance Change) value,
where it will decel to the VC (Velocity Change) value and continue until it nears the end of the move, and will
decel and stop when it reaches the DI (Distance) value, which is the overall move length.
If the DC value is too close to the DI ( Overall length of the move) for the particular DE (Decel) value, then the drive will not try to go to the lower speed, 
it will just decel so it stops at the DI value.
Imagine you are in a car moving toward a brick wall. You may want to stay at your high-speed move, then go to a lower speed, and hold that lower speed for a 
certain distance before you stop.
If you apply the brakes at a point too close to the wall, you won't be able to reach that lower speed and stay at it, and THEN do your final stop. You would have to 
slam on your brakes and just decel to a stop. The drive tries to maintain the overall move distance (DI) at the expense of the lower velocity setting. 
You will simply need to decrease the DC value ( so there is a larger distance between DC and DI ) and/or try setting a higher DE value.
Remember, the drive is an open-loop stepper system. Just because you put in a value doesn't mean the drive/motor can achieve your desired move.
MD "Motor Disable", always do this when changing Command Mode settings. "MD"
CM21 "Command Mode 21", makes sure the drive is set to Point-to-Point positioning mode. "CM21"
AC "Accel", sets the accel, which will apply to the starting ramp. Both Accel and Decel are independently adjustable, if desired.  "AC2"
DE "Decel", sets the decel, which would apply to both changes decel ramps. "DC2"
VE "Velocity", sets the peak velocity of the move. "VE3"
EG "Electronic Gearing", sets pulses per rev "EG1000"
ME "Motor Enable", enables the motor for motion "ME"
DI "Distance", this is the overall move distance "DI90000"
DC "Distance Change", this is the point during the move at which the velocity will change. "DC60000"
VC "Velocity Change", this is the second velocity (typically lower than VE) which the drive will go to after it reaches the DC length. "VC0.5"
SA Saves parameters in drive. "SA"
FC Initiates the move. After the other settings are loaded to the drive, this is the only command required for the drive to make the move. "FC"